Monday, August 20, 2007

Last Best Hope

This year is the 400th anniverary of the Jamestown settlement. While many Americans are only familiar with the myths of these early days of our history, The River Where America Began by Bob Deans makes the story of who we are as a people real and relevant to us--now. He compares the ignorance Captain John Smith and Chief Powhatan had of each other's worlds, --and the fear, prejudice and suspicion that ignorance bred-- to the "clash of civilzations" brewing between the Islamic world and the West today. Deans reminds us that America's strength is its diversity and the "radical" belief that it might be possible to build a nation where all men and women actually are treated with equality. As an election year approaches, we should be mindful that there is still much work to be done and that there are many serious threats to the hard won progress we have made. Please visit the links below to learn more about these important issues and take action to help keep our nation, in Lincoln's words " The last best hope"

Geneva Conventions/ Habeas Corpus

Women's Rights:

Domestic Spying

Hate Crimes

Racial Profiling

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